These articles are based off of proven scientifically researched techniques that help enhance your focus in order to perform better. Some articles can help you to learn the scientific process behind these techniques. Other articles are there to teach you some techniques and strategies. Subsequently, emphasizing the importance of daily implementation.

The most elite athletes carry out these techniques on a routine basis to ensure proper execution and develop habitual practices. 

Eventually, these habits will turn your GOALS into ACCOMPLISHMENTS! ​

How to Live in a Time of Uncertainty

You’re not alone! Uncertainty is all we are seeing on tv, social media, everywhere. Many people have faced losses during this time, family, friends, and more, to a virus. The virus has also taken away people’s happy places, sporting events, concerts, and so much more.

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My First Tip! *Be Mindful of your Bodies Emotions*

Being scared, isn’t fun, being sad, isn’t enjoyable, being angry, isn’t pleasurable, these things are obvious. But what might not be obvious to you, is that, when you notice that you are feeling these specific feelings, you should recognize and try to understand them.

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How Can I Help?

    mental game sports