About me

My Training Style

As a mental performance coach, my approach requires that you are willing and determined to better yourself. Furthermore, a high performance mindset calls for executing the strategies and techniques we decide may work for you. Working with me, means that I am committed to helping you find those strategies and keep you accountable. The voice in your head is what brings you to decisions and we will gradually listen to, and alter that voice to be stronger. Together we will create a personalized education plan to make sure that the voice in your head, knows what’s best for you and that best becomes a habit.


I received my certification through an expert mental performance coach. Check out my bio on his website by clicking the link below.

About me

I was born in Boston, MA and grew up just south of there. Presently, I am in Long Beach California to pursue my Masters Degree in Sport Psychology at Long Beach State University. Additionally, I have a Bachelors Degree in Sports Psychology and I was an athlete for many years, as well as the captain of Cross Country and Track and Field all at Lasell University and haven’t stopped there. Following my Bachelors, I decided to become certified in performance mentality training. I’ve grown to understand that many people can perform(in any department) better if they practiced using their minds in specific ways that are beneficial to them. Knowing that everyone is unique, nonetheless alike, is key to my successful teachings. 

As a former athlete...

Being a part of a team was the main thing I enjoyed about sports. Hence, my teammates are very important to me, and it makes me happy to share my knowledge. Indeed I am creating a new team, and you can be involved.

Click below to reach out to me, and let’s find the best way to get you where you want to be.